Beauty Tips

The secret of dark hair...!

Kalyanamalai Matrimonial Magazine- Beauty Tips - The secret of dark hair

Our hair can be compared to the crops that grow on the land. Our scalp contains all the things that are required for hair growth. The scalp should remain cool and should not become dry. Blood circulation should also be stable. The condition of the scalp plays a great role in our hair growth. Beauticians say that it is very important that we pay equal attention to the scalp on par with our hair. For healthy hair, a healthy scalp is very important. One of the functions of the scalp is hair growth. The scalp rejuvenates itself once in 28 days.

Now, let us see the points that have to be taken into consideration in the maintenance of the hair. Hair fall, thinning of the hair and slow growth are the problems directly connected with hair. Dandruff, peeling of the skin and psoriasis are the problems that occur on the scalp. Though the condition of the scalp is mainly responsible for hair fall, the shampoo that we use also can be responsible. Strong medication, short temper, tension, diseases, malnutrition etc. are also responsible for hair fall. Dandruff occurs due to malfunctioning of some hormones or changes in outside temperature.

Tips for healthy hair:

1. If you feel that your hair is dirty, wash off with a good quality shampoo or soap nuts.

2. Massage the hair roots with the tip of your fingers in circular movements. This will regulate blood circulation and refresh the roots. This should be done for at least ten minutes daily.

3. Do not apply shampoo or any aid directly to the scalp.

4. If you go for swimming, then wash off your hair in pure water using a good shampoo after swimming.

5. Never wear hats that are very tight because it interferes with blood circulation. Also avoid wearing other people’s hats.

6. Avoid mental tension and confusion.

7. Avoid very hot water for washing your hair.

8. Moisturizing shampoos are good for hair.

9. While drying your hair with a drier, keep the heat low.

10. Healthy and balanced diet is very essential for a healthy hair and look.

11. Hairstyle contributes a lot to one’s looks, be it a man or woman. So, we should take extra care in the maintenance of our hair.