Beauty Tips

Do pimples bother you …?

Kalyanamalai Matrimonial Magazine- Beauty Tips - Do pimples bother you …?

Teenage is the period when we can look beautiful without the help of beauty aids. The skin undergoes changes during this time. Pimples pose a major problem to teenagers. But some people get this problem even after crossing this age. Though the problem is common to both men and women, it is always the women who are affected more because women always want to look beautiful. Beauticians give lots of tips to deal with this problem.

The major cause for pimples is malfunctioning of hormones. Testosterone is the main culprit. This hormone is produced in the body of both men and women. Pimples appear when problems arise in the functioning of this hormone. It is better to consult a dermatologist when the problem becomes serious.

Here are some tips to help you deal with the problem:

a. Do not touch or prick the pimples or do not try to squeeze them. This will only aggravate the problem apart from doing more damage to your looks. Also, it will leave deep scars.

b. Those with oily skin tend to get more affected by this problem. So, they should wash their face at least twice daily and should apply a moisturizer that functions as a neutralizer.

c. While doing bleaching at the parlor, prefer to have the milder one.

d. To get rid of this problem totally, you should consult a doctor. Follow the advice of the doctor in using the antibiotics and lotions prescribed by him. You can apply ointment on the pimples. Tablets can be taken internally. After two months, consult the doctor again.