Beauty Tips

Lemon, the secret of fair skin ...!

Kalyanamalai Matrimonial Magazine- Beauty Tips - Lemon, the secret of fair skin …!

For soft skin

Lemon juice – 3 tsp

Honey – 6 tsp

Almond oil – 8 tsp

Take all the ingredients in a cup. Mix well and massage the hands with the same. After 10 to 12 minutes, wash off the hands in the water to which equal proportion of vinegar has been added. This lotion can be kept in a bottle for future use. But it will be usable only for two weeks. The hands will look beautiful with periodical processing.

Lemon is very good not only for external application but also for taking internally. The fruit has many medicinal properties and hence is in good demand. Even the skin and the leaves of the fruit have been in use from time immemorial. The citrus acid gives the taste to the fruit. Also, the juice contains natural sugar, vitamin, calcium and phosphorous. Lemon is used in the preparation of many dishes, pickles and cool drinks. Lemon contributes to weight reduction also. Add lemon juice and honey to a glass of water and drink in the morning in empty stomach after getting up. The result is assured within 2 to 3 months time. Also, lemon juice can be mixed with buttermilk and this drink is very good for health.

Lemon, a wonderful beauty aid should be grown in the garden of every house. Lemon which promises youthfulness and beauty remains within the reach of our hand. It is up to us to make use of the same or not!