Health Tips

Dr. Jeyarani Kamaraj talks about ectopic pregnancy and the risks attached to it.

Q: Some women are found with tubal pregnancy. How does it happen? What are the risks?

A: After fertilization, the egg should move into the uterus. But occasionally, it sticks on to the Fallopian tube and the fetus starts growing there. Very rarely, the egg implants itself outside the tube or at the mouth of the tube. These types of pregnancies do not last the full term. Blockages or infection in the tube may create such situations. If the tubes are affected by infection, the sperms cannot reach the tail end of the tube. This leads to fertilization near the ovaries.

Kalyanamalai Tamil Matrimonial weekly Magazine- Health Tips

Apart from the above reason, there are other things:

1. The already formed tubal pregnancy
2. The difficult process of cesarean.
3. Surgery in the pelvic girdle.
4. Blockages in the Fallopian tubes.
5. Tumors in the pelvic area.
6. Voluntary abortion or medicines taken for conception.
7. Taking estrogen tablets before intercourse.

Q: They say that delayed periods or pain in one side of the abdomen may be symptoms of tubal pregnancy. When will we know about this formation? What are the symptoms?

A: Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are noticed only after the missing of periods. The symptoms include severe pain in one part of the stomach, bleeding in vagina, dizziness etc. If you’ve pain in one side, then, there is the chance of pregnancy. The doctor should be consulted immediately. If the bleeding continues, the risk is very high.

Q: Why the doctors do not inform us immediately about ectopic pregnancy. We are not able to know whether it is abortion or ectopic pregnancy.

A: Till the fetus attains some growth, even the doctors cannot confirm pregnancy. The symptoms for ectopic pregnancy are similar to those of some other diseases. For instance, lesions in the pelvic girdle, sexually transmitted diseases, cyst in the ovaries, bursting of cysts, abortion etc. will have similar symptoms. If the doctor considers ultra-sound or hormone test as not fully reliable, then she’ll find out by vaginal testing. Sometimes, laparoscopy testing is also done. Endoscopy is also done for finding ectopic pregnancy.

Q: What is the treatment for ectopic pregnancy? Can the fetus be saved by this?

A: The treatment is decided after taking into consideration the spot of its formation and the condition of the patient. Sometimes, blood is given and surgery is done as an emergency case. Usually the doctors try their level best to preserve the woman’s capacity to conceive. Nowadays, if the fetus is in tact, it is removed from the spot and is placed inside the uterus through surgery. But in tubal pregnancy, the fetus is destroyed due to bleeding. In those days, when both the ovaries were removed, the uterus was also removed. But nowadays the uterus is preserved thanks to the test-tube pregnancy method.