Health Tips

Fight the oppressive heat …!

Kalyanamalai Matrimonial Magazine- Health Tips - Fight the oppressive heat …!

How to fight this oppressive heat? Tender coconut water, buttermilk, cool drinks, juices, ice-cream … nothing helps escape permanently from the cursed heat. G. Sivaraman, Siddha doctor gives us tips on how to protect ourselves against the probable health problems that are more pronounced during summer:

Tamil Nadu is one of the places where the heat is felt more. Due to the heat, the fluid level in our body comes down. Even 2% decrease in the level cannot be tolerated. If the level comes down by 5%, then we get dizziness, confusion etc. So, it is very essential that we take 3 to 4 litres of water daily. The quantity will vary according to age, body weight etc. Children and elderly people will not have much thirst. So, they should be made to drink more water.

Virus will be very active during summer. The incidence of diseases like small pox and jaundice will be on the rise. It is good to take oil bath twice in a week as a preventive step. The quantity of turmeric powder should be increased in cooking. Also, we should eat vegetables and fruits that contain more water. Small-pox can be treated by applying a paste of turmeric powder and neem leaves on the body where eruptions are present. If the patient gets problem in his eyes or swelling in testicles due to small pox, then, a doctor should be consulted immediately. Otherwise, the production of sperms will be affected. For women, the production of eggs will be affected. And, vision might be lost if the eyes are affected.