Fight the oppressive heat …!
Urinary problems will also be more pronounced during summer. Stone formation, burning sensation while urinating, problems in urinary tract are some of the problems that might arise during summer. Oil bath, using gingili oil will be good for the eyes. Drinking coconut water daily will also help. Palmyra jaggery with tamarind juice is also very good. Decoction of Sirukanpeelai plant, plantain flower, radish, cucumber and barley also help fight the heat.
During summer the problem of acidity will also be more pronounced. So, chicken should be avoided. Plantain, pumpkin and bottle gourd can be prepared as koottu and included in the diet. Burning of the eyes is also due to heat only. Aloe vera gel can be massaged onto the scalp and washed off. This will cool the body. Kumari oil, which is available in markets, is made of Aloe vera. Prickly heat is another big problem during summer. Kichalikizhangu, vettiver, green gram and sandal should be made into a paste. If applied regularly on the body before bathing, prickly heat can be avoided. If the prickly heat turns into big boils, castor oil should be applied. If ripe, apply turmeric powder mixed with lukewarm water. Mouth sore is another problem. Drink lot of buttermilk. Vengara baspam, mixed with buttermilk will treat mouth sores. Water boiled with cumin seeds is also good. Greens, fruit juices, fruits, white pumpkin, green gram etc. render the body cool. Vellaraku churnam, which is available in country drug shops, reduces the heat at vagina and uterus.
It is better to avoid going out in summer, especially during heat. And, we should carry an umbrella and wear hat. In villages, those working in fields used to tie aavaram plant to their head and then cover it with thick cloth. The plant has very good cooling effect. Likewise, mehandi is also a cooling plant. Prevention is better than cure, so take precautions to protect yourselves from the burning heat, says Dr. Sivaraman.