Beauty, health … incomparable basis for life …!
Sun is the basic force for our life. We get all the energy through the potency of the sun. The heat in our body is called the solar energy, which is essential for living. If our body functions properly, it is entirely due to this solar energy. Suryanamaskar is an exercise that attracts and stores this solar energy in our body. In the early morning, while we do Suryanamaskar, we chant the mantras that invoke the solar energy. This asana activates all parts of the body. All chakras are activated and all our organs function to their best.
Suryanamaskar reduces the body weight. Those, who have a repulsive body odor, can reduce the severity through this exercise. The body metabolism is maintained and glands and other parts of the body are refreshed as though by massage. Spinal cord problems will not arise. Our limbs will be strengthened. Women with menstrual problems can get rid of those problems. The body will remain healthy and youthful. The brain stays alert. The level of fat is reduced. Hair fall is arrested. The chest becomes stronger and wider. Muscles become flexible and joints are refreshed. The muscles at the lower portion of the stomach are strengthened. The skin becomes brighter and lighter. The breathing system functions to its best. Pregnant women should not do Suryanamaskar after the completion of the third month. Also, when we have fever, Suryanamaskar should not be done. Also, those with hypertension or heart problems or spinal cord problems should not practice this asana. Women should not do Suryanamaskar during their monthly periods.
Suryanamaskar ensures a brisk and healthy life, says Dr. Himeswari.