The Himalayas, the mind-blowing marvel …!
The hind side of Lord Siva in the form of a buffalo became a lingam, the ‘sthalapurana’ says …
At 8 o’clock, we saw lights blinking at a distance in Gowrigundam. We all breathed a sigh of relief. On reaching Gowrigundam, we burst out due to joy and relief, embracing each other. My husband and another brother of mine, who were waiting there since six in the evening, felt so joyous and relieved on seeing us. We reached Rampur around ten in the night.
The entire journey was full of thrill. We had a sumptuous dinner with payasam and pachidi. The satisfaction and peace that we got at that time cannot be described in words. The journey taught us that we are mere specs before God which is a power beyond our perception.
Tips for pilgrims
It is always safe to choose a good travels. These tips will be helpful to see more number of places without straining us much. You can avoid those pilgrimage plans announced by travels that are only for money. It is better to finish off journeys that pose hardships. The tips are based on this idea: