Kalanginatha Siddha restored youthfulness to the aged using rare herbs!
Ilampillai, situated at 16 km distance from Salem is a beautiful hamlet. The nearby Kancha Hills is famous for its Kalanginatha Siddha temple housed on it. Kalanginatha Siddha won over Nature by arresting age and reviving youthfulness with the help of some rare herbs that he cultivated on the hills. Even today, these herbs are there at the hills. The hills are the abode for the Siddhas. It is said that Lord Muruga has made the hill one of His abodes due to His appreciation of the miracles wrought by Kalanginatha Siddha.
Even today, people are witnessing the miracles performed by Kalanginatha Siddha. There are many wells around the Kanchamala temple and there is perennial water-flow in all these wells. And, the puzzling fact is that however much water is drawn from these wells, the water level continues to remain the same! Whilst water is available only below 500 ft. at Ilampillai, a level-ground hamlet, water-bed is visible just at 5 ft. itself on the hills! And, shortage of water is totally unheard of at Kanchamala irrespective of rains and season! People living at hamlets at the bottom of the hills, come here and have bath with the well water.
The villagers put bags of salt and pepper into the well, situated at the backside of Kalanginatha hut. But, the well water remains as sweet as ever in spite these salts, dropped into the well since so many years. When Kalanginatha was alive in human form, he used to grow many rare life-saving herbs on the nearby hills too. And, he had cured many of various problems including paralysis, blindness, nervous problems, tuberculosis, bone fracture etc. using herbs. He had grown more than thousand varieties of herbs that contained rare medicinal properties. He had written about all these herbs on palm leaves but no information is available about the whereabouts of the leaves. There is an underground tunnel at his temple. The tunnel leads to the bottom of the Pazhani Hills. People believe that the palm leaves might be inside this tunnel.
There are twenty-seven hills in various sizes around Kanchamala. Iron ore is available here in huge quantities. The Indian king Porus presented Alexander with a long sword made with the iron available here, the history says.
If we pray to Kalanginatha Siddha, who is wandering on the hills even today in invisible form, for relief from our sufferings, he will rush to our help immediately. The temple of Lord Muruga is situated above the Kalanginatha Siddha temple. The ‘itheekam’ is that Lord Muruga blesses Kalanginatha daily by visiting the Siddha temple. It is an indisputable truth that Kalanginatha Siddha is protecting all of us with the blessings of Lord Muruga!