When Thiru Jeyaraman and Thirumathi Latha of Chrompet, Chennai, decided to do the marriage of their daughter Selvi Saranya (661049), they found it convenient to register in Kalyanamalai. Selvi Saranya after completing her B.Sc., M.S. Degrees was working as a software professional in WIPRO. Her parents opted to register her profile under Smart Plus scheme, which helped them to receive matching lists at regular periods. Among the number of profiles regularly sent to them by Kalyanamalai, the profile of Selvan Kothandaram (654205) impressed them most. Selvan Kothandaram, after completing his M.A. degree in Economics, was working as an associate director in a well-known digital advertising company in the USA
Both selvan Kothandaram and his parents Thiru Venkatakrishnan and Thirumathi, also liked the profile photo and the details of Selvi Saranya. Both the families liked the details and background of the other and arranged the betrothal to fix the marriage. The marriage Selvan Kothandaram and Selvi Saranya, was held on 09/11/2014 at Palm Grove Hotel, Nungambakkam, Chennai with the blessings of the parents, relatives and friends. Kalyanamalai wishes the newly married couple to receive the best of everything in their married life.