Though the media keeps publishing stories on families broken due to this ‘extra-marital’ relationship problem, we can still hope that the situation obtaining here is not really that bad. The fact that Tamils living in US still prefer to marry girls who live here in Tamil Nadu substantiates this claim. But the risk of the situation becoming worse is always there if constructive steps are not taken.
Whether boy or girl, he/she should never give his/her consent to marry a person without understanding her/him well. Complete understanding is a must to give consent. The future couple should take a vow to make all efforts to make their marriage a success. After marriage, love, smile, peace of mind, respect, etc. should all be exchanged liberally and voluntarily. The joy will multiply. The couple should avoid living separately in two different places due to their job. They should always live together under the same roof. Running after money will only lead to loss of peace and happiness. If circumstances force the couple to live apart for a period, they should see that they remain united in their heart. They should share the problems and joys of each other and be supportive. It is next to impossible to get a spouse who would satisfy all our expectations. We can share our ideas, tastes and views with other people but, we should NEVER share our life with others. Firmness of mind on this aspect would make us feel secure and would earn the love of our partner.
When bringing up children, it is very important to ensure that they grow along with good people in a good atmosphere. We see highly educated people earning a handsome salary holding a high position drawing a blank when they have to face challenges in family life and marriage. We progress in life with having some VIP as our role model in our mind. We should wish that we should be the role model for our own children, this wish would enthuse us to live accordingly. Things will be fine.