The present generation always feels that the old generation never understands the present social atmosphere and the demands of the time. The complaint is that the elders compare the life of the present young men and women with that of their time. Things and values had undergone a tremendous change and so, there’s no logic or validity in comparing the present lifestyle and ideas with those of the yesteryears is the argument put forth by the members of the present generation. If this argument holds good, then, what is the reason for the high incidence of divorce today, is the counter argument of the older generation.
Recently, we started ‘Sivasakthi’, a program meant for ensuring happy marriages. Those wanting to get married and those already married participate in this program. Those, who do not want to separate, go to marriage counselors for advice. But in cases where both the man and the wife firmly believe that they are right, only the other person is wrong, there’s no scope for compromise. The marriage breaks. Counseling is an effort at cementing the relationship that is on the verge of breaking. But Sivasakthi tries to educate the couple on how to maintain a healthy relationship with the spouse and how to avoid situations that might lead to separation. It is an effort that can be termed as ‘preventive’ counseling.
Who is responsible for the varied problems in marriage today? Women are educated and are earning on par with men. So, their expectations from their spouse have also gone up. Money is the main factor that forms the basis for all problems. Both men and women look at problems from monetary angle only, they never look from the emotional angle. If money can promise happiness and good marriage, then, all rich people should be having a happy home. But the fact of the matter is it is not so. The truth is that women have not understood the secret of good marriage.