There are many more factors beyond money and career that play a vital role in giving us happiness in marriage and life. I started my married life in an ordinary background. But education, determination to progress, efforts at retaining happiness will usher in good things. The boy’s nature and disposition should be evaluated with care. The mother should ascertain whether his nature would be compatible with that of her daughter. The boy and the girl should interact and find out their compatibility. The attitude of the girl’s mother should be to find a son in her son-in-law and vice versa.
Second, it is not wrong to comment on the daily happenings in the life of the daughter. But the views should be in such a way that they help strengthen the bond between the couple. The words should not lead to bitterness between the man and his wife or the in-laws. It is wiser to allow and encourage the girl to think over and take decisions on her own. The mother should never thrust her views on her daughter; she can only extend support from outside. She should never enter the situation directly. Every succeeding generation is proving more intelligent and wise in all the matters including bringing up of children. When we change according to time, we should know that the younger couple would also change to suit the situation. It would do well for the mother to bear this truth always in her mind.
The mother should introspect and find out whether her possessiveness affects her daughter’s relationship with her in-laws in any way. Whether boy or girl, the mother should allow him/her to have her own life. The deeper a mother feels that the girl ‘belongs’ to her, the lesser will be the freedom for the daughter to deal with her in-laws. The mother of a girl should always feel that a man has entered her daughter’s life to share his life with her and she should act accordingly.
If a mother has the confidence that she has brought up her daughter as a good woman, there’s no need for worry or anxiety. The girl will manage her marriage very well. She’ll herself look to her mother for advice or emotional help if and when she really needs it. The mother’s blessings and spiritual strength would surely enrich her life.